Download Audioscrobbler Plugins

AudioScrobbler is a free service which we provide for the benefit of the wider community. However, writing and supporting the Winamp and Windows Media Player plugins takes a lot of time and effort. So if you feel like I've done a good job and you want to thank me in some small way for doing it, please consider sending in a donation via PayPal. It doesn't matter how much money you send, it's the fact that people are supporting my work that matters. Thanks!

Latest Official Versions

AudioScrobbler Plugin For Winamp 5.x v1.1.9 Beta 3 (Updated 23/02/2005) Changelog
AudioScrobbler Plugin For Windows Media Player 9/10 v1.1.9 Beta 3 (Updated 23/02/2005) Changelog

Previous Versions

AudioScrobbler Plugin For Winamp 5.x v1.1.8 Build 613 (Updated 21/10/2004)
AudioScrobbler Plugin For Windows Media Player 9/10 v1.1.8 Build 613

AudioScrobbler Plugin For Winamp 2.x & 5.x v1.1.7 Build 597
AudioScrobbler Plugin For Windows Media Player 9 v1.1.7 Build 597


Cache Manager - View and delete items in your cache
Con Tester - Test your internet connection if you are having trouble connecting

Source Code

Source Code (v1.1.8 b613)
Source Code (v1.1.7)

Using Windows 98 and the plugin's not working?
Download the Visual C++ Runtimes